To our readers: provides the latest news analysis and opinions with a focus on filtering out the partisan noise and corporate bias of the large media outlets. We rely on writers and journalists dedicated to objective analysis. That is why we highlight writers from many backgrounds and perspectives. Some are professional journalists, but many are not. You may disagree with some of the analysis and opinions you’ll find on our pages, but it is our mission at to be enlightening, provocative, and entertaining. It is our sincere hope that anything you read on this website will be intellectually honest. That sounds easier than it is in truth. But we are convinced that our esteem for this goal will make a daily must-read for today’s most discerning news and opinion consumers.
Very interesting purpose statement! I am eager to see this site evolve and hope you get lots of writers and readers.
This isn’t to say that Continuity planning ought to be ignored – fairly the opposite.